Sunday, May 20, 2007

Decisions by Faith

As I was reading my devotions this morning, God really spoke to me through the story of Abraham. God instructed Abraham to pack his bags and leave his home to a foreign land that God would show him. In his mind he may have been thinking " I am living a good life filled with blessing why is God instructing me to leave." Its so amazing to know that even when it was difficult to leave everything he knew he still was obedient to the Lord. And that's the high calling we have in Christ. God gave him promises, "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great... in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed... All the land which you see I will give you and your descendants forever." (Genesis 12:2-3, 13:15)." These promises that the Lord had granted Abraham were far from reality yet he still walked by faith trusting the Lord. He faced trials, famine, enemies, war, personal failures, family feud's, 25 years of patiently waiting for a son, yet he still knew that the Lord was sovereign.
In my own life the Lord is leading me in a journey of faith. Sometimes its difficult but its a journey filled with joy and adventure knowing the Lord is in control. We make decisions everyday and these decisions need to be made by faith. A decision I made last summer by faith was to attend College to become a nurse. And now as I am facing trials and challenges within my clinical experience, it becomes so easy to question a previous decision made by faith. Even looking at Abraham's life he trusted the Lord when he journeyed from posperity to poverty and yet he still trusted the Lord. I know my Lord is faithful and I have no doubts in my mind that this was a decision by faith. God just threw a few obstacles in the way to build my character to be more like Christ's.

1 comment:

that's us... said...

hi carolyn!
thanks for passing on your blog addy to's neat catching up on what you've been up to and going through...thank you for sharing so much-i'm praying for you- i'm sure nursing can be quite a challenge. talk to you soon:)