In order to protect the identity of this Muslim who converted to Christianity his name will remain unidentified. This 31 year old Muslim man converted to Christianity was arrested on July 24, 2006. In his legal confidential file, he was charged with apostasy, but publicly he has falsely been accused of drug trafficking. He was told that if he did not turn away from Christianity and back to Islam he would remain in jail and possibly face execution. In September 2006, this man was temporarily freed. But when authorities found out that his 8 year old daughter was sharing the story of Christ with her friends they were forced to flee. The family is now in hiding.
The situation in Iran is severe. Please pray for this family as the persecution for their faith has become very real to them... perhaps even to the point of death. Please please please pass this message on to your friends and ask them to pray. (This information is taken from the "Secret Believers" website)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
In comparison to knowing Christ...
...the things of this world are rubbish. I have been reading the blogs of people on the "Secret Believers" website (there is a link on the side column) and this quote was so powerful yet so sobering. "This is a world where everything is accessible-- McDonalds, Coke a' Cola, Oreo Cookies, cheescake and Hershey's candy. But this is also a world where the Gospel is hardly as popular and no one wants it even if there is a fun pack and a kiddie bag to go with it or a chance to win a free trip to Disney Land. Yet it is a world where hearts hunger for life in the valley of the shadow of death." -- Al Janssen (author of Secret Believers). In 1 Cor. 1: 17- 18 it says, "For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void. For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Only by the power of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of people will any one man come to a relationship with the Living God. In comparison to knowing Christ the appeals of this world are rubbish. Everything the world has to offer is rubbish in comparison to knowing Christ. For it says in Philipians 3: 7-10, " But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ, More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death; in order that I may attain to resurrection from the dead." For those who are "hungering for life in the valley of the shadow of death" I pray that they would come to know the living God. The Gospel will no longer be "foolishness" but the "power of God." Then they will be able to proclaim Philipians 3:7-10 with confidence declaring the things of this world to be rubbish in comparison to knowing Christ.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Shifting focus...
... from the weeds to the wheat. On Sunday Pastor Terry spoke to the congregation regarding the parable of the weeds and the wheat which Jesus told in Matthew 13: 24- 29. Here is the parable, " The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as everyone slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat. When the crop began to grow and produce again, the weeds also grew. The farmer's servants came and told him, 'Sir the field where you planted the good seed is full of weeds!' 'An enemy has done it!' the farmer exclaimed. 'Shall we pull out the weeds?' they asked. He replied, "No you'll hurt the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds and burn them and to put the wheat in the barn." This parable is further explained in Matthew 13: 36- 43 if you want to check it out. Pastor Terry explained that if our focus is on the weeds which can be referred to as everything that causes sin and all who do evil, we will be distracted from focusing on Christ. In Hebrews 12: 1-2, it says, " Therefore since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." If we are focused on Christ, his character and workmanship in our lives rather than the "sin that so easily entangles us" we will be able to run the race with endurance. Our focus will shift to Christ who has the power to forgive us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Then we will have endurance to run the race marked out before us.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Story of Jalapeno Peppers...
... that were not jalapeno peppers. This weekend Darren and I decided that it would be nice to prepare a nice meal for his family. After surveying our list of options we decided to make Quesadillas. At this time we also decided we were feeling like we wanted a bit of kick to our Quesadillas... so after our trip to Superstore we came back with our so called jalapeno peppers and the rest of ingredients. So because the peppers at Superstore were creatively labelled "assorted chilli peppers" we were unsure if they were really jalapenos. Darren volunteered to try the peppers prior to putting them in the Quesadillas. I cut him a piece approx. a sixth of the pepper with the seeds included. In 5 seconds or less he was running around the house doing jumping jacks and screaming "my throut is burning , my throut is burning..." Meanwhile, I had touched my eye and I was yelling, "my eye is burning, my eye is burning..." So both Darren and I concluded that this was no jalapeno. This was a bit too much "kick" for our liking... however it added a bit of excitement and laughter to our evening!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Czech Republic vs Austria
Darren was able to get three free tickets to the Fifa World Cup Soccer game for last night's game in Edmonton through his boss at work. He had a casual conversation with the boss that went something like, "Do you know if there are any tickets left for the Fifa World Cup Soccer games?" And his reply was "I am getting company from out of town. I'll give you my three tickets." It was the Czech Republic playing Austria in the semifinals. Our seats were in the second pier close to the top. At first we were confused and didn't realize if the "red" team was the Czech Republic and the "white" team Austria or vice versa. So after discussing back and forth for a while, a girl in front of us heard our conversation and clarified that the "red" team was Austria and the "white" team was the Czech Republic. So after figuring out the teams it was easier to understand who was winning. Darren work until 4:45 or so and I work until 4:00 and the game started at 5:45... so we arrived at the game after the only two goals in the whole game were scored. Czech won 2:0. After the game we walked back to Darren's house. I bet it was probably a lot faster walking than driving. There was 28,000 fans at the game and a lot of people with cars. There has been so much fun summer stuff happening this past week, and the soccer game was just some of the fun!!
A Winter's Tale
By the title of my post "A Winter's Tale" your probably thinking why the post "A Winter's Tale" in the middle of summer... unless perhaps you a devoted Shakespeare fan. That's right Shakespeare. There was a crew of Darren, some Bible Study friends and I that went to see "A Winter's Tale" at the Ampitheatre at Hawrelak Park on Tuesday. It was an excellent play... excellent characters... and excellent company. For those of you who are new to Shakespeare "A Winter's Tale" is about the Hermione (already pregnant) who has an affair, this angers the Leontes and he has her arrested. The daughter is born, abandoned and adopted by a shepherd. Hermoine comes before a jury to prove her "guilty" or "not guilty" and an oracle is read. The Leontes rejects the oracle angering the gods and Hermoine and Maximillus are struck dead. The shepherd's daughter (Perdita) grows up and falls in love with the Polixene's son, Florizel. The King rejects his son's love for the shepherdess viewing it as inappropriate for the heir to the throne. At harvest festival hosted by the old shepherd, Polixenes intervenes into the impending marriage of his son and the shepherdess. Autoclycus, a thief and vagabond attends the harvest festival to pick pockets and sell trinkets. Florizel and Perdita are welcomed into the court of Leontes. Polixenes soon enters his court and the truth is revealed that Perdita is the long lost daughter of Leontes. Hermoine has stayed in hiding for 16 years until the safe return of her daughter. A life like statue of Hermoine was created and during its presentation it comes to life. And it appears that she falls in love with the King again. This is a short version of the play... if my version of the play intrigues you... then you will have to go see it for yourself!
Sunday Drive
Darren and I took a trip to visit Uncle Dick, Aunt Agnes, Jon, Kevin and Catherine on Sunday July 15. Our first stop was at Starbucks so that Darren could pick up his bold roast coffee before we headed out to Ponoka. We arrived in time for their church service. The praise and worship was amazing... Its just so awesome that we can sing praises to our King!!! Pastor Kirk shared about the boldness given by God so that we can go forth and proclaim the gospel to the nations. Specifically, he referred to the story in Acts 3 of Peter and John's response to the lame man begging at the gate called Beautiful. This man was panhandling hoping to receive a few coins but Peter and John responded, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene- walk!" They took advantage of this opportunity to share the gospel and proclaimed it with boldness. May we also share the gospel with boldness so that people will come to repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ alone.
After the church service we departed to Uncle Dick and Aunt Agnes' for lunch. A wonderful lunch of BBQ chicken, some fancy rice, broccolli salad and apple pie for dessert.
Shortly after lunch we packed up a picnic supper to take with us to Open Creek Dam Campground. Approximately 10 min after we arrived it began to rain with thunder and lightening. So we stood under a picnic chalet with the company of sparrows. A baby sparrow had attempted to fly earlier (before our visit) and fell from the nest. The mama sparrow was trying to encourage the baby to fly back up to the nest. This encouragement was mearly words of a sparrow and never turned into action. The rain clouds never did pass ... so we packed up our stuff once again and headed to Gull Lake hoping that maybe it would be sunny over there... well we were just out of luck! So this turned into a long Sunday drive with good company and good visits along the way! Once we arrived back at Uncle Dick and Aunt Agnes' we had supper and a wonderful visit.
After the church service we departed to Uncle Dick and Aunt Agnes' for lunch. A wonderful lunch of BBQ chicken, some fancy rice, broccolli salad and apple pie for dessert.
Shortly after lunch we packed up a picnic supper to take with us to Open Creek Dam Campground. Approximately 10 min after we arrived it began to rain with thunder and lightening. So we stood under a picnic chalet with the company of sparrows. A baby sparrow had attempted to fly earlier (before our visit) and fell from the nest. The mama sparrow was trying to encourage the baby to fly back up to the nest. This encouragement was mearly words of a sparrow and never turned into action. The rain clouds never did pass ... so we packed up our stuff once again and headed to Gull Lake hoping that maybe it would be sunny over there... well we were just out of luck! So this turned into a long Sunday drive with good company and good visits along the way! Once we arrived back at Uncle Dick and Aunt Agnes' we had supper and a wonderful visit.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Congratulations Erica Baerwald!!!
So today was your wedding day ... and your name is no longer Erica Scammell but Erica Baerwald... you are no longer Tim's fiancee' but Tim's wife. You remember how you posted a blog addressed specifically to me entitled "Hi Carolyn Epp" well I really wanted to right you a specialized blog post for you and I figured your "wedding day" would be the perfect opportunity. Erica... I don't know you yet but from what I have read from your blogs I know that you will be an incredible blessing to Tim. Especially with your delightful words of encouragment and your joyful attitude towards life. Wow, I wish I could have been there to share this day with you and Tim. I pray that God will continue to bless you and Tim as you begin your lives together.
A story just for you Erica of the blessing of Tim's family. In the summer of 2004 I lived with Tim's family and worked with Liz, Greg and Elsa at Koffee Korner. Elsa was pretty much my sister at times!! And you will experience the blessings of having Elsa as a "sister-in-law." When I read your comment about "alas I'll laugh as much about the little things as possible... at least that way I can blame my wrinkled cheeks, forehead, and eyes on the fact that I laughed too much" it reminds me of the times I laughed with Tim's family so much that I cried. Watching videos is never the same anymore... Elsa would recite many of the movies word for word... then we would laugh so hard we would cry especially when watching "Mark Lowry." Hopefully as you get to know Tim's family there will be moments when you remember your quote and laugh so hard you cry... and when you get older you can blame your wrinkles on the fact that you laughed too much!!!
I look forward to the day when we will chat face to face rather than blog to blog.
A story just for you Erica of the blessing of Tim's family. In the summer of 2004 I lived with Tim's family and worked with Liz, Greg and Elsa at Koffee Korner. Elsa was pretty much my sister at times!! And you will experience the blessings of having Elsa as a "sister-in-law." When I read your comment about "alas I'll laugh as much about the little things as possible... at least that way I can blame my wrinkled cheeks, forehead, and eyes on the fact that I laughed too much" it reminds me of the times I laughed with Tim's family so much that I cried. Watching videos is never the same anymore... Elsa would recite many of the movies word for word... then we would laugh so hard we would cry especially when watching "Mark Lowry." Hopefully as you get to know Tim's family there will be moments when you remember your quote and laugh so hard you cry... and when you get older you can blame your wrinkles on the fact that you laughed too much!!!
I look forward to the day when we will chat face to face rather than blog to blog.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Out of the Blue!!
On Saturday just out of the blue Darren surprised me with these beautiful flowers and a card. To be the recipient of such a beautiful gift feels so special especially when it is out of the blue. Its so funny how many times I read the card he wrote probably about 10 times or more and the truth is I am not exaggerating. Just to read the words of such love expressed is such an honor and a blessing. And every time I look at these flowers I am reminded of God's blessings... specifically blessing me with Darren. Darren thank you for blessing me with your love and kindness!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Opportunity vs. Difficulty
Have you ever heard the saying, "If life hand's you lemons make lemonade." Well there is always opportunity to have a positive perspective on the difficulties that are passed your way. When you face challenges you have a chance to view it as "sour lemons" or "sweet lemonade." Its a chance to view the situation as an opportunity to reflect Christ's character in the midst of challenges.
About two or so weeks ago at clinical I injured my lower back while turning a stiff patient. As a result I was not able to finish my clinical practicum. After talking to the assistant program coordinator she suggested that I work as a nursing attendant for six months prior to reapplying into the program. So needless to say my plans are not God's plans. I am certain that God has a greater plan in this situation than I realize. Scripture has been my comfort and my joy these past weeks. The promises that God has given us in his word allow us to perceive these types of situations as a joy. As it says in James, " Consider it all joy my brethern when you face trials of various kinds knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing." " Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him." As I opened up my Bible I observed four dried crocuses which I placed in my Bible as a reminder that, "if God cares enough to provide sunshine, water and food for these crocuses I know that God cares for me." The Lord says, " I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you, plans for welfare and not for calamity to come upon you to give you a future and a hope." God has so many promises in his word to bring us hope and joy. Another one of his promises that I love is found in Romans 8:28 which says, " And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose." God definitely has a plan for me with in this time. Even in these past two weeks the Lord has been teaching me so many things. Even as I wait at the Medi-centre for 3 hrs to see a doctor I am being taught patience. And as I visit the physiotherapist 3 times a week I am learning self discipline in performing exercises for 1 and half hours 3 times a day. I know the Lord will continue to reinforce the promises outlined in his word. He is faithful to teach those who earnestly seek after him. In this time I desire to be completely dedicated to him and I know he is faithful.
About two or so weeks ago at clinical I injured my lower back while turning a stiff patient. As a result I was not able to finish my clinical practicum. After talking to the assistant program coordinator she suggested that I work as a nursing attendant for six months prior to reapplying into the program. So needless to say my plans are not God's plans. I am certain that God has a greater plan in this situation than I realize. Scripture has been my comfort and my joy these past weeks. The promises that God has given us in his word allow us to perceive these types of situations as a joy. As it says in James, " Consider it all joy my brethern when you face trials of various kinds knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing." " Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him." As I opened up my Bible I observed four dried crocuses which I placed in my Bible as a reminder that, "if God cares enough to provide sunshine, water and food for these crocuses I know that God cares for me." The Lord says, " I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you, plans for welfare and not for calamity to come upon you to give you a future and a hope." God has so many promises in his word to bring us hope and joy. Another one of his promises that I love is found in Romans 8:28 which says, " And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose." God definitely has a plan for me with in this time. Even in these past two weeks the Lord has been teaching me so many things. Even as I wait at the Medi-centre for 3 hrs to see a doctor I am being taught patience. And as I visit the physiotherapist 3 times a week I am learning self discipline in performing exercises for 1 and half hours 3 times a day. I know the Lord will continue to reinforce the promises outlined in his word. He is faithful to teach those who earnestly seek after him. In this time I desire to be completely dedicated to him and I know he is faithful.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Decisions by Faith
As I was reading my devotions this morning, God really spoke to me through the story of Abraham. God instructed Abraham to pack his bags and leave his home to a foreign land that God would show him. In his mind he may have been thinking " I am living a good life filled with blessing why is God instructing me to leave." Its so amazing to know that even when it was difficult to leave everything he knew he still was obedient to the Lord. And that's the high calling we have in Christ. God gave him promises, "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great... in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed... All the land which you see I will give you and your descendants forever." (Genesis 12:2-3, 13:15)." These promises that the Lord had granted Abraham were far from reality yet he still walked by faith trusting the Lord. He faced trials, famine, enemies, war, personal failures, family feud's, 25 years of patiently waiting for a son, yet he still knew that the Lord was sovereign.
In my own life the Lord is leading me in a journey of faith. Sometimes its difficult but its a journey filled with joy and adventure knowing the Lord is in control. We make decisions everyday and these decisions need to be made by faith. A decision I made last summer by faith was to attend College to become a nurse. And now as I am facing trials and challenges within my clinical experience, it becomes so easy to question a previous decision made by faith. Even looking at Abraham's life he trusted the Lord when he journeyed from posperity to poverty and yet he still trusted the Lord. I know my Lord is faithful and I have no doubts in my mind that this was a decision by faith. God just threw a few obstacles in the way to build my character to be more like Christ's.
In my own life the Lord is leading me in a journey of faith. Sometimes its difficult but its a journey filled with joy and adventure knowing the Lord is in control. We make decisions everyday and these decisions need to be made by faith. A decision I made last summer by faith was to attend College to become a nurse. And now as I am facing trials and challenges within my clinical experience, it becomes so easy to question a previous decision made by faith. Even looking at Abraham's life he trusted the Lord when he journeyed from posperity to poverty and yet he still trusted the Lord. I know my Lord is faithful and I have no doubts in my mind that this was a decision by faith. God just threw a few obstacles in the way to build my character to be more like Christ's.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Learning from Mistakes
Wow. I thought clinical would be a nice break for me from studying but that was the wrong assumption. Getting up at 4:30 am is exhausting. Some days are overwhelming. And there are days when I feel like a complete failure at being a student nurse. Some mistakes I have made over the last two weeks have either made me cry or laugh. And I joke that "I could write a novel 500 pages long with all my mistakes." Today was one of those days where my colleagues stated frequently, "I'll bet you'll never make those mistakes again." For one, when I went to shave my patient I thought I was doing him a favor by putting shaving cream on his face. I thought without it it would for sure irritate his skin. Well needless to say he uses an electric razor and apparently your NEVER supposed to use shaving cream with an electric razor. I learnt that lesson very quickly!!! We also decided to take out his partial dentures so that we could clean his mouth, well we were unable to put them back in so we left the bottom ones out. I keep hoping that I'll remember all the mistakes I have made and learn from them.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
One day I'll be a nurse...
... but for know I am a student nurse begining my first of my series of clinical practicums. I am at an extended care facility with approx. 50 Alzeimers patients on our wing. I am accompanied by 6 other students and an instructer. Having just finished my first week of clinical it is still very new and quite overwhelming. The first two days at this facility I assisted a nursing attendent in caring for 5 patients. Care involved bathing, brushing teeth, feeding the patients, and changing their briefs as needed. On Friday I was responsible for giving this care plus performing a head to toe assessment of my patient. It was quite the challenge. My friend, Megan from my church is working as an nursing attendent at this facility, that truly brightened my day. Just knowing that she has already done clinical as a student. She was just so encouraging and I knew she had faith in me that I am going to be a "quality nurse." To qualify to become a nurse you definitely need a servants heart filled with compassion and I felt like Megan saw that in me. Waking up at 4:30 am is not easy, however, when you realize that these patients are so dependent on you for care 4:30 am is no longer as early as it seems. The patients are dependent on you for survival plus dignity and as a student nurse I am responsible to provide them with quality care. Listening to these patients communicate without speech or limited words is a challenge. Its a huge responsibility... but I look forward to this challenge simply because I know it's going to develop my character.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Fishing for men...
...requires a heart of compassion that only comes from knowing Christ. Today as I was walking to Save on Foods I couldn't help but notice the eyes of a homeless man desiring compassion from a stranger. Surely someone must have noticed this man enough to give him a few coins to buy a lunch or a drink. But the people walking past this man simply said, "No, I'm sorry I don't have any change." This compelled me to pray asking God's guidance in how I could help this man. After all I am a woman walking all alone and this man may or may not have pure intentions. So immediately after praying I could sense God prompting me to at least talk to this man. As I was talking with him I was filled with Christ's love. As I looked into his eyes, I knew God was telling me to love this man as he does. I told him, "I don't have any change but if you would like anything from 'Save on' I could pick something up for you." His request was simple, "Would you pick me up a chicken pot pie?" I replied, "Yeah I can get that for you." This simply request energized me with excitement just knowing that God had given me this opportunity to serve and love this man as Christ would. Thanks Lord for giving me this opportunity to share your compassion!
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